The most famous women on yachts
Speaking of yachting, women cannot be missed. They were present from the very beginning of the history of this beautiful sport. In this blog post, we present the 5 most famous and talented women in the yachting world.
Krystyna Chojnowska-Liskiewicz
This unique “five” women is opened by a Pole. It was impossible not to bring her up in the first place. All because of the feat she made as the first woman in the history of yachting. This is what you should call the lonely sailing around the world on the Mazurek sailing yacht in the years 1976-1978. Krystyna covered 28,696 nautical miles in total. This great achievement is just one expression of the passion for yachts. Another is the sailing profession – a ship architect.
Naomi James
The sailor from New Zealand is listed as the second sailor for a reason. When it comes to outstanding women in yachting. She repeated the feat of Krystyna Chojnowska – Liskiewicz and sailed around the world alone. The time to cover the distance (272 days) is impressive. And the fact that she managed to do it after just 6 weeks of sailing lessons! Its navigation, however, was not free from difficulties. The biggest of them was the mast, which was broken during the storm. This led to a lack of radio communication for several weeks.
Unlike her predecessor, Naomi did not continue her sailing passion. She resigned due to seasickness.
Tracy Edwards
This name cannot be missed among the most expressive characters of women in yachting. This was largely due to the title of Yachtsman of the Year, which was changed to Yachtswoman of the Year . Tracy is involved in a project to bring the historic Maiden yacht to the UK. There is also a noble idea behind this idea. It is about raising funds to educate girls around the world.
Kay Cottee
This is another woman who went down in the history of sailing. This famous Australian was the first woman to sail around the world alone without any stops in ports! The sailing passion flowing in her veins undoubtedly contributed to this. Coming from a sailing family, Kay made her first voyage when she was only a few weeks old. Her passion is also manifested in two books she has published: First Lady and All at Sea on Land.
Grace O’Malley
The last presentation of a woman will be a step back in time. For this we will go back to 1530. All this to meet the Irish pirate – Grace O’Malley . Her choice was an excellent proof of love for the sea, but also a confirmation that a woman can boldly compete with men. She is often referred to as the best pirate in the world. Her marine life was full of adventures. She commanded a fleet, captured loot, led armies, and even escaped execution twice.